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Slow tender processing of today

TenderFix: Tenders to Bids in seconds!

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Tender received

Email / download from
portals. Fax machines still in use in some places ...


Checking basic data
and selection of the
relevant part. In many
cases the document is
still printed out.

Angebot erhalten

Product Matching

For the relevant entries the matching products to be offered are manually selected
from a product catalogue


Offer Generation

The product to be
offered, prices and
terms and conditions
are listed. ERP tools
commonly used

Gebot versenden

Bid submitted

The offer is sent out to
the customer - Email
or upload to a portal is
common here

Leichte Striche

How does TenderFix work?

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Mail-in function

When you receive tenders via email, you can easily forward them to our software. The software will take care of the tenders, by going through them. It will mark parts that are relevant for your firm and propose fitting products according to your product catalogue. You will receive the reviewed tenders with the notes.

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Web-app access

After receiving a tender, you can also upload it online. Then, enter a keyword to search for specific information. Additionally, our software offers advanced search algorithms to further refine and improve your search results. For more information, you can visit our YouTube channel.

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No matter what function you chose to use, you will get back a document like in the video on the right. Here the relevant parts are marked with a pink bar on the left, the found keywords are marked in yellow and on the left a product that fits to the description is proposed.

Further videos on YouTube


Try out TenderFix - free!

How many Tenders do you work on (monthly)

Vielen Dank!

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